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moonrockreptiles Forum: Rules of Conduct

In the event that a visitor chooses to post a message in the moonrockreptiles Forum, said poster shall be governed by the following clauses:

(1) Poster shall not assume any name that could be confused with any of the current moonrockreptiles staff or forum members. Doing so will result in immediate banning and a lot of bad karma.

(2) Poster shall not submit any messages praising the New York Yankees or Mets. Doing so will result in a prompt shovel beating. (Note: This is commonly referred to as "The JC Rule")

(3) Profanity is acceptable in the moonrockreptiles forum only if it meets one of the following criteria: (a) It is used tastefully, and not solely for the sake of being vulgar. (b) It is pretty damn funny.

(4) Any poster who consistently posts messages with no relevancy or entertainment value will be banned. (Note: This is commonly referred to as "The Retard Clause" or "The Frisky Rule")

(5) Any poster who submits a message while drunk may (with admin approval) be granted leniency if any of the above rules are violated. This DOES NOT make the poster immune to disciplinary action when they recover and will be revoked if the intoxication is in doubt. (Note: This is commonly called the "moonrockreptiles Staff rule")

moonrockreptiles Staff: Lord Crosis (Jason Buck) Trigger23 (Stephan Jones) Spiff (Shaun Nichols)

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